Computer Refresh Cycle

Description of Service

IMT refreshes university owned computers on a regular basis. Each spring, deans and vice presidents are provided a list of the computers in their area that are due for refresh. Those eligible for refresh are contacted and given the opportunity to select a computer that best fits their needs. Customers also have the option to opt out of refreshing their computer for one year. IMT approval may be needed for customers requesting to switch from a desktop to a laptop for their refresh. Upon approval of their dean or vice president, IMT orders computers at the beginning of July. Once the computers arrive, IMT begins distributing the machines with priority going to faculty and laptops.

Requesting Service

IMT maintains a list of all computers with their purchase date. However, you may contact the IMT Support Desk if you have questions regarding the eligibility of your computer for refresh.

Help for Service

Visit the IMT Refresh FAQ page




Customer Responsibility

Once notifications are sent, the customer is responsible to notify IMT of their computer choice within the specified time frame. This ensures all computers will be ordered and arrive on schedule.

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